Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on RestSharp

Total dependencies: 2427

Sarbacane SDK to send e-mail and text messages (sms).
Acessa a API pública da tabela FIPE conforme especificado em:
An object-oriented .NET wrapper for Drip's REST API v2.0. This implementation supports both synchronous and Task-based asynchronous calling semantics.
ConnectALL addon for Ranorex 7.0
UMengPush API .Net Sdk ( Android and iOS)
Efuelite Solutions APIConnect package aids connection to restful APIs .
This is a client of Zamanak ( web service
Valdit API Client Common components library
This is a duplication of MasterCard-Core, but has compatibility to .NET Core.
RestSharp dummy authenticator
A simple C# wrapper over the []( API
Fixer-IO-Sharp is a simple wrapper library that helps you get currency information for the Euro.
App chains allows you to personalize your app and provide a genetically tailored user experience.
A Data API .NET Client
Objetos de Transferencia de Datos para la API REST de OpenInvoicePeru. Estas clases permiten enviar los JSON adecuados para la Facturacion Electronica SUNAT de OpenInvoicePeru. Se requiere mínimo .NET 4.0
LogPusher .Net Connector for LogPusher Notification System. Fore more help please send email [email protected]