Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NodaTime

Total dependencies: 385

InfluxDB Client Core - exceptions, validations, REST client.
Generates a POSIX time zone string from standard time zone identifiers.
NodaTime plugin for Npgsql, allowing mapping of PostgreSQL date/time types to NodaTime types.
Provides extra types which may be useful when testing code which uses Noda Time, such as a fake programmable implementation of IClock and a time zone which has a fixed transition. These types are also used to test Noda Time itself.
BsonSerializers for NodaTime types.
An iCalendar (RFC 5545) library. See for details.
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Engine Project - Core engine and datafeed implementation
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Brokerages Project - A collection of brokerages for live trading and backtesting
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: API Project - C# SDK for interaction with the
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Algorithm.AlgorithmFactory Project - Factory for instantiation of QCAlgorithm algorithm objects to be used with LEAN
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Algorithm.CSharp Project - A collection of C# algorithm demonstrations for how to use the API
Configure Asp.Net Core and swagger to use NodaTime types. # Benefits of MicroElements.Swashbuckle.NodaTime - Supports Swashbuckle 5, net core 3 and brand new System.Text.Json - Implemented in c#, no FSharp.Core lib in dependencies - NamingStrategy support. You can use DefaultNamingStrategy, CamelCa...
The Enterprise Web Library (EWL), together with its tailored infrastructure platform, is a highly opinionated foundation for web-based enterprise software.
The AQUARIUS SDK for .NET enables .NET developers to easily work with the AQUARIUS Platform of environmental monitoring products.
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Algorithm Project - Core QCAlgorithm implementation
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Queues Project - Handles and generates live and backtesting algorithm jobs
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Messaging Project - The external messaging system implementation
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Indicators Project - A collection of financial indicators
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Compression Project - A library with compression tools
QuantConnect LEAN Engine: Common Project - A collection of common definitions and utils