Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 821

Provides AppSelfHostBase implementation for .NET Core's Kestrel Self Host HTTP Server To get started see:
Serilog support for ASP.NET Core logging
ServiceStack is a simple and fast alternative to WCF, MVC and Web API in one cohesive framework for all your services and web apps that's intuitive and Easy to use! To get started see:
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore2 contains one ASP.NET Core 2.X Middleware - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
ASP.NET Core middleware to transpile JavaScript via Babel. Please refer to project site ( for full installation instructions, usage examples and sample code
ImageSharp Middleware for serving images via a url based API.
Elastic APM for ASP.NET Core. This package contains auto instrumentation for ASP.NET Core. See:
Integrates NLog as provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, and provides NLog LayoutRenderers to enrich logging output with details from HttpContext.
ASP.NET Core support for Hangfire, a background job framework for .NET applications.
Google Cloud Logging, Trace and Error Reporting Instrumentation Libraries for ASP.NET Core.
OpenID Connect server middleware for ASP.NET Core.
The Bugsnag Notifier for ASP.NET Core gives you instant notification of exceptions thrown from your ASP.NET Core applications. Any uncaught exceptions will trigger a notification to be sent to your Bugsnag project.
Lamar Adapter for HostBuilder Integration
Hosting Startup of Microsoft Application Insights for Kubernetes
Integration library for ASP.NET Core for Simple Injector.
ServiceStack is a simple and fast alternative to WCF, MVC and Web API in one cohesive framework for all your services and web apps that's intuitive and Easy to use! To get started see:
This package provides abstractions for creating AspNetCore Service Fabric microservices.
Enriches Serilog events with Aspnetcore HttpContext
BeatPulse is a health check library for ASP.NET Core Applications.For more information see
Lightweight mini-profiler, designed for ASP.NET Core (not System.Web) websites