Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET Web API 2.2 Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1869

Klientbibliotek for integrasjon mot Digipost REST-API.
PushbulletSDK is a .Net library for file hosting service.
MediafireSDK is a .Net library for file hosting service.
DailymotionSDK is a .Net library for video hosting service.
.Net(C#) client for the SMSLeopard API. Send SMS straight from your application.
YandexDiskSDK is a .Net library for file hosting service.
keep2shareSDK is a .Net library for / video hosting service.
BackBlazeSDK is a .Net library for file hosting service.
Gurux.AMI offers meter reading application that you can schedule or order to read wanted objects from DLMS meters.
Common services with Altinn Platform functionality and Altinn Apps functionality
Logs requests and errors.
SaruchSDK is a .Net library for video hosting service.
Allow you to interface with digital IO hardware, and a large number of sensors. Including features to upload to web chart
Continuous deployment has never been easy but with the help of you can be one step closer.
SDK de planymerka eCommerce Platform para construir aplicaciones conectadas a la plataforma de comercio electronico de Planymerka
Implementacion de la pasarela de Pago FAC para Planymerka eCommerce Platform
Package Description
Middleware to handle authentication
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains Entity Framework support. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides features for the /tables endpoint. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to