Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET MVC

Total dependencies: 2370

DryIoc extension for ASP.NET MVC
A frictionless RESTful client library for providing translations, feature toggles and configurations.
Provides RESTful Api and management front-end for Lemonade configuration framework.
Updates MVC 3 Projects to MVC 5. It also install the latest jquery and UI versions
HermaFx Mvc extensions assembly
Asp.Net Integration with Miruken
A security package for Umbraco. Lock down an Umbraco website from viewers. Only users who are logged into the backoffice can see the public website.
Integration test harness for ASP.Net MVC 5. Allows you to fully integration test an MVC web project without needing to host under IIS or similar. Allows access to both server state and client responses in a single assertion.
Reinforced.Lattice additional Razor templating extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5
Reinforced.Lattice additional Razor templating extensions for ASP.NET MVC 4
Provides a controller that is ready for MVC application to manage user authentication and registration. Github source:
Umbraco Health Check Contribution Library
OmniCX API Authentication contains the authentication filters for the client applications consuming the OmniCX APIs.
Creating 301 redirects from decommissioned URLs to currently active pages.
WindnTrees.NET abstraction library for WindnTrees application project. WindnTrees.Abstraction extends .NET native controller and provide BasicController, ContentController, CRUDController, CRUDLController, MultipartFormController and FlexController that are required when writing a WindnTrees applica...
Standard website operations
Website Models (WM) for websites
Rollbar collects errors that happen in your application, notifies you, and analyzes them so you can debug and fix them.
Add a Pqr section to Umbraco backoffice
Helpers for Sheleski.DelimitedFile for ASP.NET MVC.