Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

xUnit tests for netfx-System.JsonNetSerializer
A Json.NET-based MediaTypeFormatter for the WebApi that can handle text-based Json as well as binary Json (Bson). To use: var config = HttpHostConfiguration.Create().UseJsonNet();
xUnit tests for netfx-System.BsonSerializer
Provides JSON (de)serialization support using ServiceStack.Text.
Navigation for ASP.NET is a unique take on state management in ASP.NET applications that puts the Url back into the WUrld Wide Web wrapper for the V2 API
Ext Direct router implementation for ASP.NET
ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic JSON, XML and JSV Service Clients allowing you to call ServiceStack web services from a Silverlight client. This is now a stub that points to ServiceStack.Common NuGet package which now contains the Silverlight client builds.
The MenuExtender is an ASP.NET extender which turns unordered lists (UL) into multi-level menus. Features include: horizontal and vertical menu rendering, full keyboard support, 508 compliance, CSS styling for complete control over appearance, and menu closing delay to prevent accidental menu closin...
Resources Over MVC is not meant to be prescriptive about what constitutes a RESTful web service, there are plenty of opinions out on the web regarding that matter! In fact it was deliberately not called "Rest Over MVC" to avoid the assumption that using this assembly would magically mean your web se...
Json.NET support for Spring.NET REST Client Framework
Spring.NET REST Client Testing Framework
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Dropbox
Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Twitter
TakeIo.Client connects to platform and enables you to access the RESTful API in a very simple manner. Refer to the online documentation for more info.
.NET library and jQuery plugin for rendering ASP.NET UserControls via WCF and WebMethods.
Wraps the entire RESTful API
This package contains contains the Script.Knockout assembly that allows you to reference and program against the Knockout APIs when creating MVVM-style HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using Json.NET.
This package contains contains the Script.Microsoft.BingMaps assembly that allows you to reference and program against Bing Maps control and mapping APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.