Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Extensions to VelocityDB for efficient LINQ index/BTree queries, AzureSession file API usage with Microsoft Azure, import/export to/from CSV and JSON, Sync, GeoHash, Compressed Bitmap and RTree.
JSON converters for AccountingTime types.
JSON Serialization Configuration for types in Naos.SqlServer
Tool to generate AWS CloudFormation json templates for Amazon AWS CloudFormation
App Metrics Formatters for health check results to JSON using Newtonsoft.Json.
ASP.NET Core MVC features that use Newtonsoft.Json. Includes input and output formatters for JSON and JSON PATCH. This package was built from the source code at
Includes types that provide support for creating, serializing and validating JSON Web Tokens. This is a newer, faster version of System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt that has additional functionality.
Super lightweight Json library for .NET 2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WindowsStore Apps/Portable Class Libraries along with dynamic and DataContract support
Includes types that provide support for creating, serializing and validating JSON Web Tokens. As of IdentityModel 7x, this is a legacy tool that should be replaced with Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens.
Enable JSON logging in log4net.
Authentication, in-game commerce, player data, title data, inventory, characters, statistics, leaderboards, analytics and reporting, friends, multiplayer, matchmaking, tournaments, cloud script, trading, real-time event handling, player management, live ops, and server hosting for all major platform...
Enables verification of complex models and documents.
Core utility functions and entities for Infinity Web API, 3D Secure/Payment widget
Annotate TIFF, PNG, and JPEG images in .NET. Annotate and markup single- or multipage TIFF image, JPEG or PNG image without re-encoding the image. WinForms controls for annotating images. Print image with annotations. Rotate image with annotations. Burn annotations on image. Add or insert an annotat...
Simple, easy HTTP REST API client for integrating and consuming services in C#.
CacheManager extension package providing JSON serialization for distributed caches. CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features. The Core library contains a Newtonsoft.Json based serializer...
ASP.NET Core support for JSON PATCH. This package was built from the source code at
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Provides serialization support between Noda Time and Json.NET.
Enables verification of complex models and documents.