Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Newtonsoft.Json extension for Handlebars.Net
Xml, json, CSV and form url encoded serializer for .NET.
Free and Open Source fork of ServiceStack V3 Binaries for the NServiceKit framework.
Skybrud.WebApi.Json lets you add an attribute to your WebApi controllers forcing the server to always output the response as JSON.
FsPickler is a serialization library that facilitates the distribution of .NET objects. The implementation focuses on performance and completeness in supported types, including F# types. It supports multiple, pluggable serialization formats including Binary, Xml, JSON and BSON. The library is based ...
A library for .NET that extends WebSync to support easy management of IceLink peer-to-peer conferences. (Community Edition)
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to use SQL Server as a backend message hub for horizontal scaling. (Community Edition)
A server-side library for .NET that extends WebSync to provide notifications when clients subscribe to or unsubscribe from a channel. (Community Edition)
JSON serialization implementation supported by Manatee.Json.
Host ServiceStack side-by-side with an existing ASP.NET MVC application at the path '/api'. ServiceStack is a modern, high-performance, code-first web service framework promoting code and web services best practices. Simple, Fast, Elegant. Website:
Juice UI – Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI
A client-side library for JavaScript that extends WebSync to provide location/user-based chat services.
A server-side library for .NET that provides real-time HTTP push (comet/reverse Ajax). (Community Edition)
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Azure.Data.Wrappers Class Library
json web token support for AspNetCore Identity
.NET wrapper and API implementation for the Instagram Basic Display API and Instagram Graph API.
Skybrud.Social is a framework in .NET for integration with various social services like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The framework will handle all the technical parts and API communication so you don't have to.
.NET implementation and API wrapper for the Twitter API.