Top 20 NuGet Windows Phone Packages

This package contains parse and format extentions to system primitives.
Controls, components and utilities for your next WP7 Application
.NET Event Client for the Windows Phone 7
DynamicLocalhost will add a single .cs file to your project that allows multiple developers to easily debug Windows Phone apps on a local IIS service by replacing 'localhost' with their full machine name
Simple library for enabling orientation changes animation for Windows Phone 7 Applications.
Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls
A library for small helpful classes I use across multiple Windows Phone projects
Northern Lights WP7 Toolkit contains some common tools for WP7 Developers.
The complete nRoute package for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
The a subset of the nRoute Framework for WPF, Silverlight 4, and Windows Phone 7.X.
ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight and Windows Phone projects.
ISMOT Async Helper is a wrapper library for Microsoft's Async Library (CTP). Using this library greatly facilitates asyncrounous calls in Silverlight projects.
This project enables the on-demand loading of external assemblies when creating a Windows Phone app using Caliburn.Micro.
Simple Windows Phone 8 MVVM toolkit
TcpClient with SSL support for Windows Phone. Provides SSL Socket support to Windows Phone.
Softbuild.Media is WriteableBitmap effector and utilities for Windows Phone 7.1/Windows store apps projects.
LEGACY PACKAGE - Use GoogleAnalyticsTracker.WP7 or GoogleAnalyticsTRacker.WP8 instead - GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking specific URL's directly from C#. For example, it enables you to log API calls to Google Analytics.