Top 20 NuGet Windows Phone Packages

Chartangel WP8.1 Silverlight SDK
PushettaClient it's a library to use Pushetta push notification API from .Net applications
These custom controls make it faster and easier to create great apps using Xamarin.Forms. The controls currently included are: SimpleList: For small lists, the UI of the built-in ListView leaves a lot to be desired. You can use a StackLayout, but then you lose the ability to have an It...
The Microsoft Band SDK gives developers access to the sensors available on the band, as well as the ability to create and send notifications to tiles. Enhance and extend the experience of your applications to your customers' wrists.
Long description for your plugin.
A Portable Class Library implementation of the Xbox Music API, powered by PortableRest. (.NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8.x) Forked to work with mono.
A simple plugin for Xamarin.Forms, this allows to perform simple operations such as subscribing or unsubscribing to channels. It uses the Parse component for all three platfoms so this is just an extra layer of abstraction.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Device is a plug-in for reading platform-independent device information.
AdDeals, #1 independant SDK, helps Windows Store Developers monetize their UWP / Unity3D Apps & Games. You can increase your CPMs, revenues and reach up to 100% fill rate. Our SDK is GPDR-compliant and provides powerful and highly profitable Interstitial & Rewarded videos for Windows game & app Deve...
Lumia SensorCore SDK testing package includes sensor recorder and simulator tools. You can use them to record and playback sensors. If it is not feasible or even possible to work with actual SensorCore APIs when you develop your application, you can use the testing package to use recorded data or ...
CrossPlatformLibrary.Maps is a plug-in for map related concerns. It enables cross-platform map functionality.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Market is a plug-in for accessing platform-independent app market functionality.
CrossPlatformLibrary.Messaging is a plug-in for platform-independent communication (email, telephone, sms).
CrossPlatformLibrary.MetroLogTracer is a plug-in for CrossPlatformLibrary which adds MetroLog tracing support. MetroLog is a cross-platform logging/tracing framework similar to log4net.
Add Google AdMob ads to your Xamarin.Forms project. Supported projects: Xamarin.Android and Windows Phone 8 (Silverlight). Watch this video to lern how to install it:
Twilio Ip Messaging REST API helper library
CrossPlatformLibrary.WebBrowser is a cross-platform abstraction which allows to open browser requests.
A library for dealing with streams in .Net.
A code for grabbing the color palette from an image. Uses C# and .NET to make it happen.
A Xamarin.Forms PCL plugin to facilitate validation of entries. This plugin only needs adding to the Xamarin.Forms PCL projects that contain XAML forms that are going to use validation. It does not need adding to the platform specific projects