Top 20 NuGet WinRT Packages

WinRT Framework

Smooth Streaming probe
This package contains the 'UserInteraction' plugin for MvvmCross v3. The plugin provides a simple way to display alerts, dialog boxes, and other UI items.
RtmpClient for Windows Runtime can communicate with rtmp server.
A client implementation of the Beckhoff Twincat ADS protocol. This is a library for winrt (phone/windows 8.1)
MVVM MicroMVVM fetches the exportable ViewModels found within an application and attaches each ViewModel to the corresponding View. Inversion of Control MicroMVVM leverages the Dependency Injection pattern, the framework fetches Transient and Singleton exportable services and injects these interfa...
Ljund Controls contains Windows 8 themeing for WPF and helpers for animation of controls such as fading in/out, resizing, sliding and more. In addition to these core features, a TextEntryDialog is provided, and a helper for navigation between pages in a WPF Frame.
A SignatureBox for WinRT. Let's users set there signature on a tablet and converts that signature in an image.
プログラムから niconico を利用するのを簡単にするためのライブラリーです。This is niconico library. It is easy.
プログラムから niconico を利用するのを簡単にするためのライブラリーです。This is niconico library. It is easy.
Xamcc is MVVM infrastructure for C++/CX. In Xamcc.Interactions package, define behaviors.
Charting Controls for Windows 8.1, ported from the Silverlight Toolkit.
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
A set of debugging controls and helpers for Windows Runtime XAML applications.
A collection of useful behaviors, commands and converters which might be essential for MVVM apps.
A set of helpers, behaviors and extensions for building Windows Runtime XAML Business applications.
Tomato Media Effect Library for media processing.
This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
An API for accessing Plex Media Servers and the connected clients. This requires a PlexPass subscription to work correctly.