Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Generates documentation for Web API 2.0 services
This nuget package help you to send a digital ink strokes to the Ink Recognizer API with C#.
A toolset for core authorizing integrate to graph types for GraphQL .NET
Create ASP.NET Web Demo project by CQRS pattern.
Create ASP.NET Web project by CQRS pattern.
Windows Operation Library
.NET Standard library SDK to help communicate with the Giphy API.
Ferramenta para utlizar o REST, http rest api post get put delete afonsoft
By uploading an image or specifying an image URL, Microsoft Computer Vision algorithms can analyze visual content in different ways based on inputs and user choices
WebAPI HttpControllerSelector that takes into account ApiControllers namespaces to match different Area routes with same Controller name. Documentation in github page
Disqus API for .NET updated by Arisa, Originally by Alexandr Shestakov
.Net Core wrapper for Clarizen
Plug and play EPiServer GraphQL service
Cadmus API models
Currencycloud Client Library for .NET Core.
Client library for interacting with SureCam's VTS API.
Utilities for building data models, data contracts, for common extensions, cryptography and a REST API client
This C# SDK makes it easier to consume the Wayback Machine Rest API for creating snapshots of websites. You get easy methods for creating snapshots or checking if snapshots are available. Documentation - Wayback Mach...