Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Facadebook C# SDK is a facade and abstraction layer for the Facebook C# SDK. Use it if you need to write your own adjustments or if you need to unit test your code. We do.
Strong-typed Linq to Web API with resource names conventions. Builds on top of HttpEntityClient and HttpClient and provides the easiest way to interface with typed REST services that are modeled around typed entities or contracts. Example: var products = client // Note: resource path inferred from...
Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpEntityConventionClient
A Json.NET-based MediaTypeFormatter for the WebApi that can handle text-based Json as well as binary Json (Bson). To use: var config = HttpHostConfiguration.Create().UseJsonNet();
JsAction is a simple and lightweight RouteHandler for ASP.NET MVC and WEBAPI that will generate automatic jQuery based Javascript and provide a direct way to call MVC and WEBAPI Action Methods using a single data annotation. You will no longer have to write custom ajax calls to retrieve data, but ju... wrapper for the V2 API
Wraps the entire RESTful API
Managed .Net client for the AppHarbor API
Provides low-level, dynamic functions for operating with the FreshBooks API.
MicroRest is a small REST framework - it allows you to add REST capabilities to your ASP.NET applications without needing to go through the huge ugly mess of WCF rest (which doesn't provide 'clean' URLs in 3.5), and supports various pocos for method parameters. See
Package to interact with a TeamCity server to make calls to the REST API
ViewComponents are HTML Helpers on Steroids: reusable pieces of UI that are skinnable (using Partial Views) and redestributable. Just like the CustomControls of ASP.NET WebForms. A ViewComponent is: Reusable / redistributable; Skinnable; Easy to consume from Views (using flu...
Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#.
Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#.
Another .NET client for the YouTrack 5.x REST API
WebAPIDoodle.Http is a library which provides more features over System.Net.Http
Extension for Ninject providing integration with ASP.NET MVC WebAPI
The WebApiContrib.IoC.Ninject library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
Provides strongly-typed VersionOne model objects (Project, Story, Iteration, etc) for building custom applications against the VersionOne platform. For details about what product releases this has been tested against, see
A library that wraps the SoundCloud Api in a fluent interface.