Top 20 NuGet WebAPI Packages


Server library for CacheCow project
An asynchronus .NET wrapper for the League of Legends API
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
An API wrapper for Mobius.
Cadmus API controllers.
Package Description
C# wrapper for API
A wallet and daemon client to interface with Monero's JSON-RPC API, built on .netstandard2.1.
Asynchronous Task Extension Library
C# API Library in .Net Framework
project provide currency converter. use api.exchangerate
Policy-based filter html to avoid XSS attacks; support dotnet core and dotnet framework
API middleware and tooling in ASP.NET Core.
Reddit.NET is a .NET Standard library that provides easy access to the Reddit API with virtually no boilerplate code required.
A framework for developing applications with more agility.
Strongly-typed, easy-to-use API client for the bricklink marketplace.
A small set of extensions for EF Core to simplify and consolidate common EF tasks like sorting and paging.
WebApi UploadFile and DownLoadFile WebApi 上传文件、下载文件,支持Framework4.5、netstandard2.0