Top 20 NuGet TypeScript Packages

Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Aurelia.
In Memory refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
C# to TypeScript interface Convert library. You can convert from dll file or assembly. You can select extraction conditions and conversion methods.
Canvas Toolkit - UWP Xbox Live Plugin -
Package Description
Babylon Toolkit - UWP Xbox Live Plugin -
Distributed Redis based refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
MessagePack binary refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
In Memory refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
Entity Framework Core refresh token store for JWT Simple Server
Plugin for WebApiClientGen 3.0+ to generate client API codes with Fetch API.
Generates TypeScript hub client for SignalR.
An EndGate game server powered by SignalR.
A library that generates JavaScript or TypeScript for a Facility Service Definition.
Type definitions for Xomega JavaScript controls.
JavaScript knockoutjs SPA(Single Page Application) navigation router. With typescript support.
Isolate is a jQuery plugin that provides faceted isolation and filtering of lists with programmatic scaffolding support for Bootstrap 3, 4, or the Isolate grid.