Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

The Silverlight 5 Toolkit MSTest testing support package. Contains all the assemblies required to do unit testing for your Silverlight project. Packaged by Singulink ( as apparently no more love is being shown by Microsoft for Silverlight :(
Part of the Coding4Fun Toolkit with only the Audio library. It provides an easy to use wrapper to get audio data from the microphone.
The Coding4Fun Toolkit has multiple controls and useful items such as a GzipWebClient and Audio Recorder for XAML based applications. This is the complete version which includes the network, storage wrappers, controls, and audio helper libraries.
Combining MahApps.Metro and Caliburn.Micro and Autofac Bootstrapper support
Apex is a Control, MVVM and Utility library for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone projects. It provides a standardised framework for quick and effective MVVM based development.
The core components Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at
Silverlight.FX is an application framework for building Rich Internet Applications based on Silverlight 5.
The Quicklight web framework allows for the creation of a loosely coupled composite web application. It provides dependancy injection, event management, region management and a framework for building MVVM applications using the razor engine to generate views
Silverlight 5 Persian DatePicker Control
This project is an application shell for buidling rich web apps.
This project is an application shell for buidling rich web apps.
Facilitates two-way binding of the readonly MultiSelector.SelectedItems property in ListBox/ListView on WPF. There's also a working prototype/example for binding Calendar.SelectedDates using a similar mechanism.
This framework extends Prism.StoreApps with useful real-world featires. 1. Displaying of settings flyouts, child views, notifications and flyouts views in MVVM style 2. CompositeUI via regions in ViewModelFirst style
This package contains some code to add Babel / Multilanguage capabilities to your MvvmCross app.
Xamcc is MVVM infrastructure for C++/CX. Include Xamcc.h file and try it!
Dependency tracking MVVM framework for Windows Forms.
Gives MvvmCross multiplatform validation support using existing bindings and attributes.
SharpDX module for Gemini, providing integration for SharpDX/Direct3D content in WPF.