Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

MVVM-Sidekick ============= MVVM密友 =================== A Modern light-weight MVVM framework based on RX and TPL await 轻量级MVVM框架,基于RX与 await等新技术 [微博] [twitter] [Mail] ...
Use Rx additions with Property Framework. Consume sequences of property values and reload calls.
This package contains the 'Getting Started' assemblies for WPF platform. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable cross ...
This package contains the 'Getting Started' assemblies for WinForms platform. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintainable c...
This package contains the 'Getting Started' assemblies for Xamarin.Forms platform. Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes it easier to develop cross-platform application using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern. The Mugen MVVM Toolkit makes extensive use of Net Standard Library to provide maintaina...
This package adds Android Support Library v7 AppCompat support for MugenMvvmToolkit.
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Code generation for silverlight targets, other target platforms should use OpenRiaServices.Client.CodeGen.
Open RIA Services Contrib - Entity Tools
Support for Windsor for Bifrost
The best mini model around
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Project is deprecated. Migrate to
Supports the creation of Silverlight applications. CSLA .NET is an application development framework that reduces the cost of building and maintaining applications. The framework enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsulates all business, auth...
Punch is a blend of three popular frameworks: Caliburn.Micro + DevForce + Entity Framework. Line of business applications need to query and save database data, model the data as objects with business logic, and present those objects to the end user. Punch takes care of these fundamental responsibil...
DevForce takes care of your application's infrastructure-the gap between your data-layer and client-layer where the difficult job of turning raw data into business objects and moving them to and from the client's screen takes place. DevForce fills this gap so you don't have to. Instead of building, ...
A toolkit useful to build Windows Store apps. It contains helpers to bind commands in MVVM (also during drag'n'drop operation on UI), user-controls, converters, toast and tile helpers, etc. etc. It's built on top of Galasoft MVVM Light.
Data components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This package includes System.Windows.Controls.Data.Toolkit, System.Windows.Controls.Data.DataForm.Toolkit.
Data visualization components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at This package includes System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit.