Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

Implementation of tokens based authorization.
Suplex.Security is an application security and RBAC abstraction Layer. Implments hierarchical DACL model and common RBAC model. Suitable for use in any application/API. ActiveDirectory utilities contain lookup helpers for AD/AAD.
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
This is simple, light package created using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to access REST API using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication.
Class library for resolving Sender Policy Framework (SPF) strings as defined in RFC 7208.
Simple and easy to use OpenPGP library
This package will help you retreive an access token from your authorization end point using OAuth2 client credentials flow.
Package makes integrating JWT Bearer Token Security to your ASP .NET Core app a breeze!! Azure Active Directory, Google, Facebook, Twitter auth integration. Also, Swagger UI integration!
Network protocol parsing library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
Network security and certificate generator library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
A useful service class that provides functionality for generating and validating JWTs.
It provides cryptography and web config security using ProtectedConfigurationProvider/TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling WeiChat authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Baidu authentication.
.NET library for the GameJolt API. This library let's you communicate with the GameJolt servers in order to provide several useful online features, like score boards, session handling and cloud storage.