Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages

This client library enables client applications targeting .NET Core to connect to Azure Cosmos DB via the DocumentDB (SQL) API with repository pattern. Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service.
Guard Clauses orginally created by Steve (Ardalis) Smith. This project adds additional guard clauses used in EXCSLA.Shared.Core. These guard clauses are meant to be used with the EXCSLA.Shared framework.
Simple classes / tools / wrappers to manipulate data on Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB
A Domain Driven shared library, containing basic components for setting up a domain. This package contains interfaces needed to implement various services within this framework.
Cosmos DB implementation for the Repository pattern.
Abstractions for Repository pattern
This is an entity framework core manager which uses base repository pattern for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
Instead of an onerous writining all the Include(x => x.PropName) methods when eager loading an entity in EF Core, this package allows user to mark entity's properties with the [Include] attribute and then include all those properties by using DbSet's IncludeMarkedProperties() method.
Package Description
Provides simple interfaces for the Repository Pattern.
A tiny utility for declaring Dependency Injection (DI) services with Attributes or Interface.
Repositorio genérico com suporte a paginação de dados no banco via linq
Interface and base class for the repository pattern. Use this package to implement your own repositories.
CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation. This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates implementing the repository pattern.