Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

RomanticWeb Json-LD processor.
Zed.NHibernate.Web is a library for NHibernate support in web applications
Zed.NHibernate is a library for NHibernate support
EF6 implementation of Lr.Data. Lr.Data is a collection of base classes and extension methods written in C# to help build a data-layer for applications.
.NET ORM, primarily for F#
LeadPipe.Net.Data.NHibernate is a comprehensive pre-built data implementation package that uses NHibernate and provides implementations of a repository, the query object pattern, and unit of work pattern. LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read...
Unit tests Data Access implementations for Entity framework
Flexberry ORM CurrentUserService package.
Flexberry ORM UnityFactory package.
Entity Framework integration for JSONAPI.NET, including an EntityFrameworkMaterializer and ApiController to highly automate building JSON API web services from EF6+ data models.
Extension for EntityFramework Library brings together the best of the EntityFramework with Dapper. Basic CRUD operations (Query, Insert, Update, Delete) for your POCOs.
Generic Services is a .NET class library to help build a service layer, i.e. a layer that acts as a facard/adapter between your data layers containing an Entity Framework database and your User Interface or HTTP service.
Provides a DataAccess abstraction over a relational DB. The implementation is done with EF, which is well hiden from the clients
Provides an NHibernate driver that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQL Azure connections. Unlike NHibernate.SqlAzure, this library doesn't come with TransientFaultHandling IL-merged - instead it's a NuGet dependency.
Add LocalDbContextFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.MSTest)
A has many convention which sets key column
An id convention which sets column
A property convention which sets column
A reference convention which sets column
F# ORM wrapper for mysql driver