Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Configuration-less object-relational mapper for SQL Server and SQL Server CE / SQL Server CE 4.0
An AutoFixture customization that lazy-loads navigation properties on Entity Framework objects. See
Postgresql provider for Entity Framework 5 and below
GeoJSON for EntityFramework is a .net library that allows you to create GeoJSON output from EntityFramework Spatial Data or WKT inputs. In other words, It serializes different type of geometry objects to GeoJSON. It's not limited to only EF entities but It can serialize WKT inputs as well. Fe...
Easily seed an Entity Framework context with data from CSV files
Simple extension to Dapper to allow arbitrary column to property mapping.
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
A library for easily calling Stored Procedures in .NET. Works great with Entity Framework Code First models. Code Only Stored Procedures will not create any Stored Procedures on your database. Instead, its aim is to make it easy to call your existing stored procedures by writing simple code.
Allows SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 to be used with Entity Framework Core. Requires the SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP2 runtime to be installed
Automapping classes
With this little helper you can project in your LINQ Select() using expressions not written inside the LINQ query. This opens the door for expression reuse. This is a fork of the original LinqExpressionProjection project with added support for EF 6 async by Asher Barak.
Dapper, DapperExtensions and Linq Queries.
VITA ORM driver for MS SQL Compact Edition.
VITA ORM standard modules - Login, Logging, EncryptedData, Party, others.
A simple and lightweight data access tool for .Net
DEPRECATED: just reference 'NeinLinq' instead.
SOD框架支持.NET Core/.NET 5以及之后的版本迁移升级的版本的PostgreSql数据提供程序
Base Class for Data Logic Layer
The Thark Statement Builder package is a set of builders that will enable the dynamic creation of SQL statement to be executed against a database
A .NET Standrad 2.0 ORM that runs on Dapper.