Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

The RESTier EntityFramework Provider contains classes to access data sources exposed with Entity Framework library. This package contains original RESTier Entity Framework Core provider from Microsoft retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1
Das IQB benutzt diese Bibliothek für EF-basierte Anwendungen (z. B. automatische Synchronisation der DB-Inhalte)
A simple object mapping library. A simple extenstion for IDbConnection and IDbTransaction.
Ein kleine Sammlung von Controls, um eine Erinnerungsfunktion einfach zu implementieren.
DDD – Domain Driven Development Repository Pattern – Generic Async Repositories ,PagedList Extenstions SQL script file and executes each command to the database pointed at by the DbContext Each command should have an GO at the start of the line after the command.
see MYeORM package
Implementation of GR.Report.Abstractions
ORM Generator for MS SQL
Database utilities for Entity Framework - Proper enum handling (mapping to lookup tables with cache) - List merging - Property mapping - Save validation (to get the underlaying error messages) - Audit functionality - Various helpers
Mock Db Wrapper for SubSonic Data layer. Primary use is to facilitate unit testing of the Data Layer
Data Access Library that simplifies data access to a Microsoft SQL server. Wraps SqlConnection the SqlCommand into a series of objects and methods that provide more straightforward usage. GetObjects<T>()/GetObject<T>() provides functionality to fill an object via reflection in a lightweight manner...
Package Description
Erleichtert die Konfiguration des DataAccessLayer mittels JSON-File
Ormy micro ORM
Generic CQRS and Unit Of Work implementation