Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

This library provides HTML generator and tag helpers to display bootstrap-styled operation message alerts.
Would you like to write simple and clean specs around your ASP.NET MVC controllers, filters, and helpers? All you need is SpecsFor and this package!
Web Mvc features
Inspired by PHP's Zend Framework FlashMessenger component for persisting messages across requests.
RequireJS.NET integrates RequireJS script loader with ASP.NET Framework Core MVC
System-level script objects for testing in JavaScript. Provides an Assert object to support coding of unit tests. -- Released as a zipped archive or as a NuGet package.
System-level script objects in JavaScript. Provides a global object to process object types, clone and extend objects, encode objects, register and require objects as modules, and more. Also provides a Dictionary object that can handle undefined and null keys, and an Events object that ...
A lightweight, flexible dependency loader for JavaScript environments
A Bridge.Net definition library for v1.0.0-alpha2-final of the ASP.Net Core SignalR JavaScript client.
Package provides functionality to build GridView based on your model items collection. Grid.Mvc supports sorting, filtering and paging your data.
MVC forms and resources management - internal company package
Override Mvc Controller
Generates the JavaScript client code for a provided .NET interface/class.