Top 20 NuGet Logging Packages

Obsolete. This package has been superseded. Please install the Seq.Client.Serilog package instead.
Records performance and tracing information for EF interactions while your application runs. Designed for use in a production environment, it extends the Loupe Agent with features specific to Entity Framework (6 and later) and works with any EF provider.
JQuery Plugin for Unified Logging. See project Url to get up and running quickly.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Simplifies logging through a static helper class and some IL manipulation.
Contains middleware to support takenet logging library.
We've added support for the Common Logging appender. This allows you to leverage your current investment in Common Logging, but leverage the power and flexibility that comes with the ReflectInsight viewer. In order to use this extension you must have the ReflectInsight Viewer installed. Download an...
This package simplifies logging to LogEntries using nLog as the engine.
Used with SimpleLogging, this provides you with a quick, simple and easy way to log messages with NLog. A common use of this is to send messages to an NLog viewer like Sentinel to get live (streamed) logging messages. Also includes a simple way to programatically turn on/off an NLogViewTar...
Allows Log4Net to be configured so that logs are synchronised with Appceptive
Integrates the NLog logging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the Log4Net logging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Integrates the CommonsLogging framework into Wave Service Bus.
Allows serilog to be configured so that logs are synchronised with Appceptive
Facilitates simple integration of your ASP.NET web application with Appceptive
Facilitiates dispatching events and activities to Appceptive end points.
Enables logging of VistaDB diagnostic and trace information to Loupe.
Enterprise Library Semantic Logging Application Block (SLAB) event sink that writes to the Seq ( structured log server.
Web API tracing using Slab or Semantic Logging