Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Core interfaces and components for the Accidental Fish Application framework
This project has the purpose to provide all the same APIs to access the Microsoft Azure Service Bus (Queues, Topics/Subscriptions, Event Hubs) you have on .Net Framework but also for .Net Micro Framework, .Net Compact Framework 3.9, Mono (on Linux) and WinRT (Windows 8.1 and Windows 10) using AMQP p...
AMSLoginForms is a libray that allows you to login using Azure Mobile Services directly from your Xamarin.Forms Apps. You can use it simply calling the DependencyService
Core functionality for Trollbridge
This library provides Networking helper classes for accessing Microsoft Azure using the PervasiveDigital serial wifi stack and .Net Micro Framework
Utility Tools for Microsoft Azure Storage
Utility Tools for Microsoft Azure Table Storage
Strongly typed config for Azure Cloud Services. Code generation of Settings: cscfg and csdef and reader
Implementation of Couchbase repository for persistence of MassTransit Automatonymous Sagas.
Use Azure Cosmos DB (DocumentDB) as an event store, read store and data store in CQRS.NET
Recursive Data Framework for local and cloud data which is very quick and fun.
A Really Easy Azure Settings Library
The F# Azure Storage Type Provider allows simple access to Blob, Table and Queue assets, using Azure Storage metadata to intelligently infer schema where possible, whilst providing a simple API for common tasks.
Enferno Azure Management Library wrapper.
PVC plugin for Azure Blob Storage
A Really Easy Azure Management Library
Move content between Windows and Azure.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.