Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

Provides extensions that can be used when documenting an API using Swashbuckle.
This client library enables working with the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage service for storing binary/blob/object data. A very simple Wrapper for the Azure Blob Storage to handle container instantiations. A library to abstract storing files to Microsoft Azure. Wrapper library is just written...
Azure Event Hubs provider for SlimMessageBus
Azure BLOB Storage Repositories for JSON files in the Cloud
This nuget provides a telemetry channel to Application Insights Windows Server SDK that will preserve telemetry in offline scenarios. This is a dependent package, for the best experience please install the platform specific package. Privacy statement:
Microsoft Azure Management Storage Library. Development of this library has shifted focus to the Azure Unified SDK. The future development will be focused on "Azure.ResourceManager.Storage" ( Please see the package changelog for more ...
Provides Batch service accounts management (Fluent) capabilities for Microsoft Azure.
Application Insights for .NET web applications. Privacy statement:
An observable microservice bus .NET library, based on Reactive Extensions. Search 'Obvs' for other transport, serialization, and logging extensions.
Provides infrastructure for common error handling, tracing, configuration, and HTTP/REST-based pipeline manipulation. The package also exposes the CloudContext type, which enables centralized discovery of available Microsoft Azure libraries.
Application Insights Base API. This package provides core functionality for transmission of all Application Insights Telemetry Types and is a dependent package for all other Application Insights packages. Please install the platform specific package for the best experience. Privacy statement: https:...
Custom output cache provider for redis cache.
Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure Storage, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz").
Add application insights logging to ASP.NET Core apps with one line of code.
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
A fluent API for using the Text analytics set of cognitive services
This package represents a set of common core components to be used with the various cognitive services fluent API packages.
A set of tools for hooking up Stardust to MVC aplications
Provides management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Digital Twins.
[.Net Standard 2.0] Provides functionality to flatten complex objects into EntityProperty dictionary and functionality to recompose original complex object from the flattened property dictionary. One usage is that the API allows writing any complex object with nested properties into Azure Table Stor...