Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Model (class) based navigation and routing for ASP.NET MVC.
Neo Systems .NET Web utilities
This package add the data type compatibility for ASP.NET 5 TempData feature.
ASP.NET MVC 6 Extensions Library provides addtional tag helpers and utility for simplify ASP.NET 5 web application development.
ASP.NET 5 PagedList abstraction layer defines the IPagedList interface and useful extension methods for ASP.NET 5 targeted projects. This project does not contains the implementation for creating paged list from a certain data source.
A ScriptCs script engine for F#.
Typescript UI framework Sample Application.
ASP.NET 5 External Cookie Library
This library contains the operation message type definitions and service interfaces for ASP.NET 5 projects.
Hydrogen Async Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5
StructureMap 3 IOC Integration for HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
ASP.NET MVC Helpers and conventions for ZURB Foundation using HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
ASP.NET MVC helpers and conventions for Twitter Bootstrap using HtmlTags.AspNet.Mvc
Web API exposing the AsTrEAM asynchronous WCF stream service to help setting up a multi-tier architecture.
Role provider to work with single-sign-on projects
PRE-RELEASE, do not use (but now supports SignalR).
Identity package that uses Dapper with MySQL instead EntityFramework for use with .NET Core.
This project includes standard e-documents as models, all standards are royalty-free. This project may include several versions, the last part of the namespace indicates the version of the standard.
aspnet core video stream library