Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build reactive, real-time web apps. Library for .NET Core.
Package which allow integrating dotNetRDF with System.Data.DataTable
ASP.NET 4.x External Security Provider for CloudFoundry - Owin
Protobuf formatters for core
Jil formatters for core
Steeltoe Management Endpoints for ASP.NET 4.x
Castle Windsor WebApi facility lets you easily add windsor to aspnet webapi apps.
A testing library for selenate to help with test automation.
Create webapi controllers based on decorated interfaces. For use with aspnetcore on netcore or .net framework
Pdf rendering from views using jsreport.
Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
ServiceStack Razor Documentation: Compile Razor Views into a compiled .dll you can use in ServiceStack hosts to eliminate Razor View compilation at runtime for instant start-up times.
Ext.NET is an advanced ASP.NET (WebForms + MVC) component framework integrating the cross-browser Sencha Ext JS JavaScript Library. Includes 100+ high performance controls for Data Grids, Trees, Menus, Forms, Advanced Layouts and AJAX communication.
Trimble Identity OpenId Connect Client helps you authenticate users via Trimble Identity and store user tokens. The library is cross-platform, so once you learn it on iOS, you're all set on Android.
TG.JSON is a versatile library for creating, parsing, encrypting values, binding, serializing and deserializing JSON. It's compact, fast and very easy to use.
A Chromium-based browser that can be used into your .NET application to load modern web pages built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript etc. You can obtain a free 30-day trial by filling a form at
Provides capability to improve ASP.NET Core telemetry with Serilog in applications
ASP.NET Core Identity Integration for Duende IdentityServer
EntityFramework persistence layer for Duende IdentityServer