Top 20 NuGet ASP.NET Packages

Amqplib binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
A cross-platform framework that is used to build Software-As-a-Service (SaaS) apps. This is useful for building mult-tenant and multi-company apps.
JRequest.NET is a powerful library which allows applications to call web APIs using JSON.
A treasure trove of useful extension methods, helpers, and tools for ASP.NET and MVC. Halide includes extension methods for manipulating base types (like strings, byte arrays, numerics), and static helper classes for HTTP and REST helpers, SQL data readers, security and encryption, file compression,...
Maker.js binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Add swagger support to ForEvolve.DynamicInternalServerError.
ASP.NET Core implementation for Manufaktura.Controls music notation library
Bionic Electron Plugin - Electron Platform CLI commands
Leverage user-centric API analytics to drive adoption, usage, and retention, including: - Gain visibility into API adoption and usage - Quickly debug functional and performance issues - Monitor for issues impacting customers - Create live dashboards and share with col...
ASP.NET Core MVC extensions to make working with Goui easy.
Genesys Source Framework CRUD Data Access Object classes for ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API Core, Xamarin iOS, Xamarin Android and .NET Standard libraries.
This assembly is a part of the Ultimate Doc Expert package ( It lets you convert Word files to PDF documents.
It lets you perform Tracert right within your .NET apps. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
Supports the Network Time Protocol (RFC-1305). Supports the Time Protocol (RFC-868). Supports the Daytime Protocol (RFC-867). Supports conversion between NTP time and .NET time. Supports both SNTP (version 3) and NTP(version 4). Provides access to all NTP packet fields. The library can be used in .N...
Simple way to programmatically generate text output from source templates, variables and .NET APIs. The library can be used in .NET, .NET Standard, Xamarin iOS, Android, Mac, CF, and Uwp.
Create powerful RESTful web services with Starcounter. For Starcounter or later
Genesys Source Framework Models for your views and view-model classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution that runs in Windows, Web and Mobile..