Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Utf8Json extensions for F#
Custom parsers to help to parse HTML and JSON content.
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.PostgreSQL.JSON assembly provides API to add support for json and jsonb PostgreSQL types to connections of CBAM.SQL.PostgreSQL assembly. The API is two extensions methods for ConnectionPoolObservable type in CBAM.Abstractions assembly, and PgSQL...
React JSON Pretty (react-json-pretty) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
PSWebApi is a simple library for turning PowerShell Scripts or batch/executable files into ASP.NET Web APIs (RESTful Services) out of the box. See details in
F# has been characterized as a modern programming language well-suited to data-rich analytical problems. In this language, interacting wit h diverse datasets from event streams, web services, and databases is further simplified with the open-source FSharp.Data library. Many of these real-world doc...
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.HttpClient package instead.
NHibernate Json column is a custom column mapping that allows you to store complex models as Json in a sql column, with optional and configurable text compression.
WebUntis (stpl/Timetable for schools) JSON API in C#
GraphQL Conventions for .NET
Extreme performance JSON management library. Simple & as fast as possible. New features, bug fixes and performance improvements. Check changelog on for details.
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.RabbitMq package instead.
some C# extensions and tools
Email and Password value objects with Json and Bson Serializers
UtilityHelperTools include utilities for string, json validation, Ioc, dependecy injection control and others helper tools