Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Simple json rule engine
A commandline parser supporting direct method calls taking as input an unlimited number of primitive and complex-type parameters
appsettings.json writer
Json Resource File
The mdObject for GE Centricity is the mdObject, Inc. initiative to simplify patient medical record exchange. The mdObject for GE Centricity is a simple JSON stricture that is easy to use and implement HTML forms. The mdObject is stand for Medical Data Object.
Hjson, a user interface for JSON. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments. Supports .NET Core, .NET 4.x and Mono. For details go to
A C# .NET Class Library for the KNKV XML / JSON Webservice.
JsonPoke and JsonPeek build tasks: Usage : JSON Poke: 1. <JsonPoke JsonInputPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Project.json" JValue="Empty-FromTest1" JPath="Project.Name"> </JsonPoke> 2 a. <JsonPoke JsonInputPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Project.json" JArray="@(TestArray1)" JPath="Project.Test...
The most compact, extermly fast binary serializer for .NET Code and .NET Framework. More info:
DayPilot is a set of AJAX calendar/scheduling/Gantt controls for ASP.NET WebForms.
ajax-data-table is a Javascript library for creating html table from JSON data, please visit for a live demo
JSON-Serialize.js provides conventions and helpers to manage serialization and deserialization of instances to/from JSON.
AjaxGateway.Net - Web Application Toolkit - TypeScript Runtime - 2.1.232
C#-to-JavaScript compiler interface support plugins.
AutoCSer.Serialize is a high-performance serialize framework that includes binary, JSON, and XML. AutoCSer.Serialize 是一个高性能的序列化组件,包括二进制 / JSON / XML 数据序列化。
This library contains converters dependent on the Newtonsoft.Json package for use with Azure.Core.
This library contains converters for System.Text.Json for use with Microsoft.Spatial when using the Azure SDK for .NET.
This library contains converters dependent on the Newtonsoft.Json package for use with Microsoft.Spatial when using the Azure SDK for .NET.