Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Cors

Total dependencies: 119

Component used to connect applications to Identity Server 3.0 Authorization Server
Web Api Service for managing Users, do Authentication and Group Permissions Authorization
HELOS Security Framework
Server environmenst for rota spa framework
Package for Api's
SimpleEventMonitor.Web: This Package should be added to an Empty ASP.NET site which will then be configured to be the monitor site
Starter pack for ASP.NET MVC5. Include: jQuery, Bootstrap, FluentBootstrap, Knockout, Knockstrap, SignalR, Knockout Validation, Knockout-select2
Think Up SignalR
Enable CORS Authentication for a WebAPI project
This package contains everything you need to incorporate SignalR into your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. This library should not be ...
Everything to get SignalR Self-Hosted Server up and running with all its dependencies
Engine for creating online multiplayer games! Using: SignalR for communication
Helper library to startup new web based projects using DDD Architecture
My package description.
Create Micro Service
required nuget packages added as dependencies