Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

We provide conversion to all image formats supported by .NET framework via System.Drawing.Image class so you are able to export PDF files to BMP,JPG,PNG,TIFF as well as work with this bitmap on a fly. We support rendering of the PDF content including: - text (with embedded, externally linked, stand...
The specific part for Windows Phone 8 (Silverlight) of the framework ModernApp4Me.
A portable way of accessing common device functionality for client applications
StyleId Generator for Xamarin.Forms allows you to generate strongly typed StyleId references for your UITest project.
Bratched RatingControl is the most complete and free XAML control for displaying or editing ratings. Support personal colors, transparency, outline, editing mode, custom figures. Compatible with Windows WinRT, Universal Apps, Windows Phone 7.1, 8.0, 8.1
This plugin helps you to interact with the host device's store app. Interactions include: searching and opening store page for certain application or developer
This plugin allows you to open the default share channel to share content among apps, currenlty supports only text.
A unified, simple to use library that enables developers storing, accessing, updating and deleting keys and passwords on multiple platforms. Internally, the library uses iOS KeyChain and Android KeyStore features. The library exposes KeyChainHelper which is a simple one-entry to the library on all p...
A self-updating WAMP stack with the latest binaries, always.
A library for animated UI transitions for .NET.
Windows 10 style DevicePicker for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1
Windows Prison
An IoT Windows Azure Event Hub Client that publishes messages to an Event Hub using a Shared Access Signature for authorisation, with the API at For Xamarin.Forms and Windows 10 Universal.
AdDuplex (cross-promotion network for Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Windows 10 apps) SDK for Windows Phone 10 (XAML) apps
Vitruvius is the most advanced Kinect framework. Vitruvius helps you create awesome Kinect apps in minutes. Supports WPF and WinRT. * Color, Depth, and Infrated bitmap generators * Background Removal * Frame capturing * Closest player * Player height * Length of segments * Angles between joints * C...
The specific part for Windows Universal App of the framework ModernApp4Me.
Install this plugin to your project to add MVVM required files and folders (Models, Views and ViewModels). Watch this video to see how to install it: