Top 20 NuGet win8 Packages

Easy-to-use calculated properties for MVVM apps (.NET 4, MonoTouch, MonoDroid, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0, and Silverlight 5).
Toolkit for building client applications using the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern
A Simple Sound FX engine for Windows 8 XAML C# apps that does some basic caching of MediaElement for performance and memory optimization.
WinRT library for structured data sharing using data formats
XamlIntegRT helps to prevent unauthorized modifications of XAML files for Windows 8 apps
An implementation of the triggers functionality that was available in Silverlight but is missing WinRT XAML. Supports event and property based triggers with storyboard, state and command actions. Actions can have conditions applied to them so they only fire under certain conditions.
MarkedUp Analytics SDK for all .NET platforms: WinForms, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows Store, WinJS, and more! Learn more at
Windows 8 Maps app protocol helper
Controls and utilities for Windows 8.1 XAML store applications.
T4 Factories uses T4toolbox to automatically generate the source code for factory implementations and even contracts (if they don't exist already), based on a concrete class and a base interface. It allows easier use of the factory pattern for easier unit testing and refactoring.
BDD test specifications for windows store and windows phone apps similar to MSTestContrib.
BDD test specifications for windows store and windows phone apps similar to MSTestContrib. Signed version!
See: GitHub is here: There are no performant large data set observable collections that support write operations in .NET, so we wrote the Virtualizin...
A portable library for the DataAnnotations namespace. Reduced surface area matches the Silverlight SDK version of DataAnnotations, with additions of some classes. With .NET 4.6
This library provides attributes-based compile-time AOP framework.
Softbuild.Media is WriteableBitmap effector and utilities for Windows Phone 7.1/Windows store apps projects.
StyleMVVM.CSharp is an adjunct to StyleMMVM for C# development (Windows Store App only)