Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

A simple rest client using a fluent inteface
A Spotify Web API wrapper. Claras Branch.
Provides API functions for consuming the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services LUIS Runtime API.
A client library for the Valdit Dutch Address Validation API. The Valdit Dutch Address API offers validation of Dutch Addresses, based on on PostCode, Housenumber and (optional) housenumber addition. Typical use cases for the Valdit Dutch Address API are: - One-time or repetitive...
Wiz DotNet Core API Template
Emulated Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) server-side interface.
Use DalSoft.RestClient with ASP.NET Core In-Memory Test Server for integration tests.
Module to add REST-based webservices to a GenHTTP project.
C# services and models classes to Ecwid API v1 and v3
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
Yet another connector for the trello REST api which is really intuitive! AND: it is also usable under IIS (no running messageloop required)
A library to aid in the construction of RESTful Web Services
This dialog provides the basic implementation for the creation of REST API call dialogs.
Add WPF support to Dapplo.HttpExtensions
Postings manager for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Index manager for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Index client for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform. Komodo.Daemon runs in process within your application. Use Komodo.Server if you wish to use Komodo as a standalone server.
HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, S3, Azure, Kvpbase, and filesystem crawlers for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.
Do not install directly. Supporting classes for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.