Top 20 NuGet json Packages

Convert strings and files into JSON friendly strings.
Creates an RPC client based on an interface
Stars is a set of services for working with Spatio Temporal Catalog such as STAC but not only
A custom ASP.NET Core Middleware plugin for distributed cache using Couchbase server as the backing store. Supports both Memcached (in-memory) and Couchbase (persistent) buckets.
A .NET 6+ library that integrates GraphQL and Entity Framework Core with minimal effort
Package Description
TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. It uses T4 templates to make adding new endpoints easy.
File provider for Entity Framework Core (to be used for development purposes)
Authentication and service implementation for the GitHub API.
Kode-Aid shared Azure Cosmos document DB library.
JsonHCS.Net.Proxies for .Net is a JsonHCS.Net based proxy generator for easy and fast (but powerful) api definitions
JSON Module for KY-Generator Download KY.Generator to use this module
.NET Core localization using embedded JSON resources interpolated
Release of the conizi semantic model core library.
Contracts for magic.http that allows you to invoke an HTTP REST endpoint with a single line of code. To use package go to
When used with OPC UA PubSub in QuickOPC, provides JSON mapping (e.g. in MQTT messages).
Kode-Aid shared Azure Cosmos library.
Convert C# Tuple to/from JSON Array
HTML, JSON, XML, SQL, and text parser for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.