Top 20 NuGet etl Packages

This is the Excel connector for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This is the Csv connector for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This is the Oracle connector pack for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This is the OleDb connector pack for ETLBox. It contains OleDbs that work with some limitations. Can only be used together with the main ETLBox package. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This is the MariaDb connector for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This library contains classes and methods designed to perform simple ETL jobs and provide some basic logging functionality. See the project page on github for a more detailed explanation
This is the Db2 connector for ETLBox. ETLBox is a lightweight ETL (extract, transform, load) library and data integration toolbox for .NET.
This is a support library which enables the transform library to access Soap based webservices.
Text files extensions for Etl.Net
NACHA Library for .NET
An ETL processor based on C# tasks.
Programmable ETL. Use a fluent interface to create a data transfer process between two objects that is testable.
ExecutionPlan extensions for Etl.Net
Excel files extensions for Etl.Net
Sql Server extensions for Etl.Net
Mass processing data with a complete ETL for .net developers
Bulk Data API/Tools for SQL Server databases. Easily perform bulk "upsert" operations on your database. Nifty helper utility for moving around large sets of data.
Extension library for FoDicom supporting flexible relational database schemas for storing large Dicom imaging datasets. Also supports persisting Dicom tag data to MongoDb
C# Library to transform, extract and load text files