Top 20 NuGet ef6 Packages

Fast Bulk insert extension for MySql using EntityFramework 6
Fast Bulk insert extension for SqlServer using EntityFramework 6
Fast Bulk insert extension for MySql using EntityFramework 6
Fast Bulk insert extension for SAP Hana using EntityFramework 6
Fast Bulk insert extension for Oracle using EntityFramework 6
Fast Bulk insert update extension for MySql using EntityFramework 6
the abstraction implementation for EF Core.
Base infrastructure for implement data context using EntityFramework
Package Description
Provider for Entity Framework 6 allowing EF to work with a VistaDB 5.2 database. For EF 6.0 and later. Requires a separate installation of VistaDB 5.2.
Repository Generator will generate an entire repository structure for you. All you need to supply a namespace which contains all your Entity Framework models and the will generate repositories for all your models, it will generate a generic repository providing you with basic ...
SimplePersistence.UoW.EF offers implementations to the SimplePersistence.UoW using the Entity Framework 6 as the ORM.
SimplePersistence.Model.EF extends the SimplePersistence.Model package by exposing dedicated Entity Framework 6 extension methods and classes.
BulkInsert for EF (DbModelStore) branch for improved startup performance. For further information, please read my blog post.
Entity Framework data provider implementation for the SenseNet.Security project.
some C# extensions and tools
EF6 plugin for Mapster
IdentityServer ef6 wrapper