Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on ELMAH

Total dependencies: 75

Elmah.ElasticSearch is a ElasticSearch storage backend for ELMAH.
MongoDB Wrapper for Elmah using the Mongo 2.1 .NET Driver (Forked from CaptainCodeman's version which only works with legacy driver)
An Elmah appender that sends errors and excptions to Stackify
Web framework that extends ASP.NET MVC with a plug-in architecture and default implementations of commonly used features.
Package description
Common.Logging library bindings for Elmah logging framework.
Moca.NET Project Template Web Form
Multipurpose universal utilities library so you don't have to write your own utils for every project. Includes extensions, encapsulation of logging and encryption, basic datareader-to-POCO mapping, a mailer throttle, and strongly-typed API callers.
This is a fork of SymbolSource.Server.Basic
thewall9 CMS Libraries.
Elmah driver to log exceptions into Shitsuke
ELMAH error logger for sending errors to This package includes initial configuration for getting up and running with
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an error log in stand-alone XML files.
Gets you up and going with a DotNet app quicker by providing web implementations on the DotNetAppStarterKit.Core interfaces for commonly used components such as logging, caching and security.
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database as the error log.
ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an MySQL 5.0+ database as the error log. NB requires manual configuration.
This is a test package for TeamCity-NuGet integration
UCDArch Mvc package for bringing UCDArch and related components into an MVC application