Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries

Total dependencies: 1131

.NET Service API/dll for Wilma V2.5.x
Basic user account management system for use with Bam
Portable library (.NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store) which contains HTTP utilities.
Fetch beer information using a UPC
Link Picker to allow custom attributes for Google Analytic events
DescriptiVideoExtractor is a library to extract the download link from YouTube, Facebook & Vimeo videos. Sample: *Youtube* YoutubeVideo video = new YoutubeVideo("YQHsXMglC9A"); var result = await video.ExtractAsync(); *Vimeo* VimeoVideo video = new VimeoVideo("145612004"); var result = await ...
Different helpers
A little library for fetching data from Brewery DB
A HAL hypermedia reader for .NET
Mvvmlight extension. Auto registry ViewModel, Service (If class name end with 'ViewModel' or 'Service') Add Navigate, Rest Service, Helper, Database, LocalSetting and Converter. - Update Database Extension (Support Insert, Select, Delecte with List)
Api SDK for accessing the batchly platform
Get your ZeroCater meals
API wrapper for the Loklak server
.net wrapper for onfleet