Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on LiteDB

Total dependencies: 200

This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning, Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core, Network Connectivity Se...
Complex C# library for Firebase Realtime Database built on top of Firebase REST API. Among others it supports following: * Offline storage * Querying using available filters * Passing in authentication token * Streaming online changes * Directly Posting / Putting / Pat...
The Blockcore node software is a full consensus validating node software that runs a blockchain protocol. It is compatible with Bitcoin and utilized by other blockchains at the primary full node.
Extensions for HttpClient and Custom Repository based on dapper
LiteDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
Economy plugin for OpenMod
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
Efflux storage implementation using Microsfot.FASTER and LiteDB
A simple local caching provider based on LiteDB
Extension methods which allow each DbContext to be initialized & destroyed independently based on its Model.
A simple caching library to cache any data structure for a specific amount of time in any .NET application. Additionally, offers simple HTTP methods for caching web request data. Powered by LiteDB.
MemStache A Flexible, Powerful Cache Library with these features - the NewtonSoft library to serialize the data, - built-in data-compression - the Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection API to encrypt the data in-memory - Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory API to provid...
Simple key-value storage for client applications. Litedb implemention.
Synapse is a High Level Plugin/Module Server side framework for the free Steam Game SCP Secret Laboratory based on Harmony and Neuron
Easily configure your aplications using this package. Just var webConfig = new WebConfigurationManager(<Title>), Add pages and your configuration UI will be available at runtime accessing http://localhost:<port>/. All the configurations made on the UI are received by event on you application. Nested...
MediatR integration for in memory event/CQRS management
Azure Table storage emulator for integration testing
Fake Azure Tables for integration testing
RabbitMq accellerator module for for event/CQRS management using Rabbit
LiteDB extension to the ioc layer of the Harpy Framework